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Pickleball scoring rules 101: Everything you need to know to start playing pickleball

If you are a beginner pickleball player, learn the basic scoring rules.

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Jaclyn Brandt


When you are first learning to play pickleball, the rules and scoring can seem very complex. But the more you play, the more it will become second nature. Here are the basics for pickleball scoring:

The basic rules of pickleball scoring

Although there are many scoring rules of pickleball, there are a few basics that are really important to remember, including points, how to keep score, and what happens during a serve.


Pickleball can be played as singles or doubles, but the scoring stays pretty much the same.

Your score

Before each serve, the server should call out the score by saying: their team's score first - the opposing team's score - their server number (which may either be one or two).

An example of this would be 2-0-1, which is 2 (your team’s score), 0 (the opposing team’s score), and 1 (whether you are the first or second server on your team).


After you announce the score, there are a few serving rules in pickleball to remember:

Serving example

First serve of a pickleball game

Because the first server of the game is considered the second server, a side-out is called as soon as the serving team faults and the other team gets to serve. Here are a few more pickleball scoring rules to remember concerning the first serve of the game:

Pickleball tournament scoring

Pickleball tournament scoring is the same as regular games, with a few potential exceptions:

Pickleball scoring rules for singles play

In pickleball singles, each player only serves once. If your score is an even number, you serve from the right service court and if your score is an odd number, you serve from the left service court. Once a player loses the rally, it is a side out.

Read all the rules for pickleball singles.

Learning the scoring rules of pickleball

The scoring rules of pickleball may seem very complicated at first, but getting out and playing will help you learn more quickly. Whether you are taking a beginner pickleball course or just jumping right in to play, fellow players will help you learn and remind you of the best way to score pickleball games.

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