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5 simple pickleball drills for 2 people

Advance your pickleball skills with these 5 drills you can do with a partner.

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Barrett & Danea Bass


Advance your pickleball skills with these 5 drills you can do with a partner. Pickleball drills to help you practice your dinks, volleys, and drop shots — so you can speed up your hands, and slow down the game.

Find the right 2-person pickleball drill to skyrocket your skills in every aspect of the game.

Drill #1: Dink Dink Bang Drill

The first pickleball drill allows you to practice almost every type of shot at the kitchen line — from dinks to speed-ups to resets and blocks.

Your partner will be right in front of you, you're both at the kitchen line.

It will be “dink - dink - dink - bang - reset” and you will keep going with that pattern. Even if you miss a couple of shots, the whole point is to get comfortable dinking, speeding up, and then hitting those resets.

Drill #2: Fast Hands drill

The fast hands drill will speed up your hands and get you to the next level in pickleball.

The fast hands drill will help you work on your hand speed and eye contact. It will make the ball seem much slower when you are back at the kitchen line and in a real-life game situation.

Drill #3: Slinky drill

The Slinky drill will help you practice hitting shots in the transition zone.

The goal of the Slinky drill is to hit shots in all areas of the transition zone. After you have completed your drill, let your partner start from the beginning on their side.

Drill #4: Work-Up drill

The Work-Up drill will help you work your way from your baseline to your kitchen line.

This drill will allow you to work on your drives, drops, and speed-ups. It will also help you see what part of your game needs the most adjustment.

Drill #5: Skinny Singles drill

The Skinny Singles drill is the most similar to an actual pickleball game, especially if you only have two people. The Skilly Singles drill is a full-court drill, and is similar to a singles pickleball, except you will only be using half of your side of the court at any give time.

Pickleball drills for beginners

Improving your pickleball skills isn’t just about playing pickleball, but also practicing different aspects of your pickleball game. With these 2-person pickleball drills, you can focus on  your skills in every aspect of the game.

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