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3 essential tips for faster hands in pickleball

Three important tips that will help you improve your fast hands in pickleball. Plus, learn a new pickleball drill to help you practice your fast hands.

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Barrett & Danea Bass


If you are looking for faster hands in pickleball, learn these three important tips that will help you improve. Pickleball coaches Barrett and Danea Bass will teach you how to improve your positioning on the pickleball court, what you need to do with your swing, and how your body position will help you get faster hands and win every pickleball rally. Plus, learn a new pickleball drill to help you practice your fast hands.

Tip #1: Pickleball ready position

The first essential tip to developing fast hands at the pickleball kitchen line is making sure you come back to the ready position in between every shot.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make in pickleball is hitting a volley and then dropping your paddle. When you do this, you will probably not be ready to bring your paddle back up for the next shot — so it's important that your follow-through ends with you at the ready position.

To practice the pickleball ready position:

Tip #2: Having a compact swing

When it comes to having fast hands in pickleball, it’s equally important to have a compact swing.

Players at the kitchen line can get in a hands battle and take the paddle way too far back. To have a compact swing, pretend you have a concrete wall that comes out from your hips and you never want to hit that wall.

To practice having a compact swing:

Tip #3: Balance and eye level

Many newer players will think that power on a volley comes from a big swing, but that's not true. Power will come from hitting the right spot on the paddle: the sweet spot. To do this, make sure that you are balanced and your eye level stays at the same point.

Keeping your head still and your eye level still is essential to hitting that sweet spot every single time, so make it your goal to stay low and keep your head at the same level as you volley back and forth.

To practice your balance & eye level:

This will help you eliminate unnecessary movements and make sure that your volleys stay really compact and your eye levels are at the same spot.

Drill #1: Pickleball Popcorn Volley Drill

The Popcorn Volley Drill will help you practice fast hands in pickleball.

To practice the pickleball Popcorn Volley Drill:

You’ll notice that, as you take steps back, the volleys feel a lot slower and you're able to handle them more. It's especially good to do this before a tournament because your hands are going to feel lightning fast.

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