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2025 pickleball rule changes: Q&A with USA Pickleball director of officiating Tom Tadler

USA Pickleball’s 2025 rules are out, and there is some confusion and controversy over some of them. Tom Tadler, managing director of officiating with USA Pickleball, hopes to clear up some confusion on 2025 pickleball rules.

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USA Pickleball’s 2025 rules are out, and there is some confusion and controversy over some of them. Tom Tadler, managing director of officiating with USA Pickleball, hopes to clear up some confusion on 2025 pickleball rules:

1. How will the 2025 pickleball rule changes continue to move the game forward, while also preserving the heritage of pickleball?

The changes were proposed, viewed, and voted on by the pickleball community. The Rules Committee takes this into account during the 80+ hours spent for the initial review process. Each rule change or proposed new rule is evaluated as to its intent to better the understanding of the rule or to make the game of pickleball better for all. The Rules Committee and the USAP Board of Director's decisions weigh heavily on the impact of each rule towards changing the game from how it was founded.

Every year there are suggestions to eliminate the non-volley zone, no lobbing, or allowing two serves per player when the first serve misses. These would change the roots of the game and are declined.

Read the most important 2025 USA Pickleball rule changes.

2. One of the most important changes seems to be the definition of the volley (Rules 9.B.1 and 9.H.) - to start at the strike of the ball instead of the swing. Why is this change important?

There was a lot of discussion on the actual timing of the volley and what it means in touching the NVZ prior to contact. The largest change will be the elimination of the paddle scrape in the NVZ just prior to the volley.

The committee felt that, if a player contacted the NVZ with their paddle and then lifted it prior to contact, they should not be penalized. If they hit the NVZ at the same time as their paddle hits the ball it’s a fault.

Remember that Rule 9.D is still in effect covering potential push-off faults. The player cannot volley a return until both feet make contact with the playing surface outside the NVZ. Push-off faults are still called.

3. I have always been taught you should call a fault on your partner. With the change in Rule 13.D.1.a. it looks like this is brand new. Was this widely accepted before - even if it wasn't an official rule?

There were arguments between partners when one called a fault on the other. This just makes it clear that either partner’s fault call is in effect a fault. Even if they don’t agree, the call goes to the opponent.

4. One important new change is Rule 6.C.4. Spectator line calls. Did you find spectators trying to call lines was an issue before?

There are times when the ball lands, the player or partner can’t make a call, they don’t want to ask the referee or the opposition, so they ask a person in a lawn chair who possibly never saw the ball or saw it through the fence.

In officiated matches, the referees are trained to warn the players and the spectators that this is not allowed. It could be taken as far as coaching and Technical Warnings or Fouls could be issued. Referees often must caution the crowd not to shout out calls during rallies. There is a picture of me doing this during a major network TV match and it’s not a great look for pickleball. This rule is as much for spectators as it is for players.

5. Are there any other important rule changes you think players should be aware of? What do you think is the most important rule change of 2025?

Personally, I like that USAP has provisionally approved a Doubles Rally Scoring option. The key was that USAP canvased players at all levels and fans to find the preferred format.

The overwhelming response was that everyone wanted to see players change sides with their partners. They also wanted to see players serving to both of their opponents in both service courts. There are different serving and receiving strategies that can be in play depending on the players. The Win-by-Two and Win-on-the-Serve make the game even more exciting.

I’ve officiated 15-point games that ended 29 – 27 because the teams were so evenly matched. This is an optional format as Traditional Side Out Scoring is still the main tournament format.

USAP will be collecting data through the year to gauge the popularity of this format. Many Collegiate Team Play tournaments use this format and it’s exciting to watch and even more to officiate.

Read the most important 2025 USA Pickleball rule changes.

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